Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know, I know, I haven't posted anything for a really long time. I already took a new resolution for 2010. Making more time for my blog. Well Christmas I come and gone, it was a good one except we all got sick, 10 out of 12 peoples got sick a 24-48hrs flu it was awful. But we all survived and now we are ready to scrapbook new pages. Which bring me two my second resolution: scrapbook at least one day a week. My sister and I took this resolution and if you are available you are WELCOME to join us. Just let me know. It will be fun. I am hoping to make a hole in my stash. If you know what I mean.

I have a new challenge every month, I made it on a design team of one really cute little store in town own by a very nice lady, Anita. I have to complete either a single layout or double layout each month. I am really excited because this is helping keep my goal of scrapbooking more often. Once I get my dec. layout back I will post it here. I have completed my jan. layout but I will wait until the end of the month to post it. Gen and I already met for our first day of scrapbooking of the year and we also had some good company, our friend B.J and baby Hayden came to visit. She said she will be coming to scrapbook with us when she return from her trip. And I will hold her to it. So I have done some layout this week a double layout which was a class that we took at Anita's store. It turned out very nice. And I did a layout on Noah and my DT layout on our day of scrapbook.

Bonjour tout le monde.

Je sais, je sais je n'ai pas poster sur mon blog pour tres , tres longtemps. Voila deja une resolution, travailler sur mon blog plus souvent. Bon Noel est deja passe et maintenant je suis prete a faire de la creation. Ma soeur et moi on a pris une resolution de faire du scrapbook au moins une journee par semaine. Il faut que je fasse un petit trou dans mon stash de scrapbook mon bureau est plein a craquer.

J'ai maintenant un nouveau defi a chaque mois car j'ai ete choisie sur une equipe de design d'un magasin ici en ville. A chaque mois je dois faire soit un double page ou une page simple. C'est un bon defi qui m'aidera a tenir ma resolution de faire du scrapbook plus souvent. On a deja fait notre premiere journee cette semaine et j'ai fait deux pages dont une est ma DT page(design team) de janvier. Je vais la poster a la fin du mois. Gen et moi on a fait une classe avec Anita (le magasin ou je suis sur l'equipe de design) cette semaine et ca ete tres plaisant.